I need to archive my blog pages.
Have decided new shirt I wore today is lucky – was dreading school today because we had midterms last week and I knew we’d be getting scores back today. In Lit, we didn’t get our notebooks back (I know mine was awful. There’s no way I’d get a good grade on that pile of crap.) yay! She said she wanted to reread them before giving them back. And she said nobody got an F. Whew š She did say that she had been reading the dream assignment we’d done (I don’t know if I talked about it here or not, we were supposed to write down a dream we’d had. I wrote my big long dream about the UFO – it’s somewhere back in my blog – and then in class that day she started asking people to read theirs out loud. Everybody else’s was like, maybe a paragraph, and mine was a full page long. I was like, “oh crap… I don’t want to read this long thing outloud in class!” I managed to get out of reading mine in class tho.)
ANYWAY, she said she’d read one of our dreams and it had stuck with her and she’d actually dreamed about it later. It was mine, lol. She said it had great visuals LOL š
And then in math… she gave us our midterms back… but not graded. She said “You have 30 minutes to work on these some more.” Turns out last week over half the class (not including me) hadn’t had time to finish so she was letting everyone work on them again this week. I’m so glad – I caught some mistakes and remembered some stuff I’d blanked out on last week.
And then I saw a puppy.